Transport in Progress

Nondas had inherited his father’s license and small cargo taxi. He always helped him in the summer, he had learned the job well, a good worker and attentive. He respected other people’s property. Heavy and bulky on the floor, fragile, small and light above, supported well, in order not to move and do any damage.

He liked working, so he worked from one night to the next, making sure his wife and children had a nice time. They lacked nothing. He also rented a small shop in the square, put in an office and everything he needed, even a refrigerator and a coffee machine, so that he could treat his customers. He was doing so well. He also made a big sign, “NONDAS – TRANSPORTATIONS” and everything was fine, business was going smoothly, and his life was smooth.

All this before, long before the financial crisis hit Nonda. And from being very busy and running to catch up, he sat at the desk smoking one cigarette after another and the phone was not ringing. Nontas fell in despair and his truck was parked in front of the shop. Even the “NONTAS” that he had asked to be written on the cart of the truck, had begun to fade.

Poverty hit Nonda and did not let him breathe. Of course, some minor work appeared, but even those, he got in with beaten prices. Nontas was precocious, he did whatever he could to earn a living. He even became a waiter, but he didn’t do very well. He hadn’t learned to carry trays of water and food, only furniture and boxes and packages. This was his specialty. Boxes, boxes, boxes of every size, small, big, packed stuff. Whatever had this form, was a piece of cake for Nonda.

During the endless hours that Nonda spent at his desk thinking, everything was spinning in his head. He didn’t go home often, not even a piece of candy went to the little ones. What to do; He turned it from here to there and finally he found it. To stay in transport, but to change the subject. There was one area that might even have seen an increase in turnover at this time.

The change he had in mind required money. He sold his car, pawned some of his wife’s gold, his mother and father-in-law helped, his close friends also chipped in a little, and here is Nondas with the capital to start the new business.

He threw out his old desk and bought a wooden one with carvings and expensive glaze, like the ones that the great doctors have and you are in awe when you look at them. He found a large leather armchair too imposing for him to sit in, and two gold-fringed velvet chairs too comfortable, which he placed in front of the desk for his clients to sit on. He also got the matching wooden bookcase with glaze and carvings set with the desk. He drove his truck, it also had its own role in the new job.

Full of flower, it would smell Spring from miles away. He made a new purple illuminated sign, he asked to be written in gold calligraphic letters “Nondas” and underneath in black and very small capitals “TRANSPORT IN PROGRESS”.
Everything was ready to start, he turned on all the lights and the sign and rushed across the square to look at his new shop.
But something was missing. The next day he ordered another smaller neon sign, yellow with black capital letters. He set it up in the shop window for all to see, to be seen from afar.
The layout was simple.

Author: Metaxia Drogosi

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